01 | 12/08 | Webinar Title: (~1h30 duration): Redação de Artigos Científicos (to be held in Portuguese only) (A gravação da palestra não ficará disponível) Speaker: Dr. Gilson Volpato (IGVEC, Brazil) | 18:30 | |
02 | 17/08 | Round Table: (~1h30 duration) Atuação profissional das mulheres nas Geociências e Sensoriamento Remoto: experiências na área acadêmica e iniciativa privada (to be held in Portuguese only) Speakers: Dr. Veraldo Liesenberg (UDESC) Dr. Alessandra R. Gomes (INPE) Dr. Rosa Correa (ITVale) Dr. Ieda Sanches (INPE) Ms. Shaila Moreira (RADAZ) Ms. Iara Musse Félix (SCCON Geospatial) | 15:30 | |
03 | 26/08 | Webinar Title: (~1h30 duration) The Remote Sensing Process and Dissemination of Research Results (held in English) Speaker: Dr. Qihao Weng (Hong Kong Polytechnic University – 20h00 [GMT +8]) | 09:00 | |
04 | 09/09 | Webinar Title: (~1h30 duration) How to Write a Thesis (held in English) Speaker: Dr. Armin Gruen (ETH Zurich, Switzerland – 14h00 [GMT+1]) | 09:00 | |
05 | 16/09 | Webinar Title: (~1h30 duration) Spatio-temporal analysis of wildland fire ignition points using geostatistics and point pattern analysis techniques. (held in English) Speaker: Dr. Nikolaos Koutsias (University of Patras, Greece – 16h30 [GMT+3]) | 10:30 | |
06 | 23/09 | Webinar Title: (~1h30 duration) The Global Ecosystems Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) mission: Concepts, methods and applications (held in English) Speaker: Dr. Laura Duncanson (University of Maryland, USA – 08h00 [GMT-4]) | 09:00 | |
07 | 07/10 | Webinar Title: (~1h30 duration) Change detection in the era of deep learning (held in English) Speaker: Dr. Davis Tuia (EPFL, Switzerland – 14h00 [GMT+1]) | 09:00 | |
08 | 20/10 and 21/10 | Hands-on Tutorial: Introdução a Plataforma de Modelagem Ambiental – DINAMICA EGO (held in Portuguese only) 20/10 (09h – 11h30) Part 1 20/10 (13h – 15h30) Part 2 21/10 (09h – 11h30) Part 3 21/10 (13h – 15h30) Part 4 Speakers: Mr. Argemiro Teixeira Leite Filho (UFMG) Dr. Britaldo Silveira Soares Filho (UFMG) | 09:00 and 13:00 |
09 | 26/10 | Round Table: (~2h00 duration) Agricultura de Precisão na era da inteligência artificial (held in Portuguese only) Speakers: Dr. Ana Paula Marques Ramos (UNOESTE) Dr. Carlos Antonio da Silva Junior (UNEMAT) Dr. Fábio Henrique Rojo Baio (UFMS) Dr. Lúcio Andre de Castro Jorge (EMBRAPA) Dr. Lucas Prado Osco (UNOESTE) | 18:30 | |
10 | 28/10 and 04/11 | Hands-on Tutorial: (held in English) 28/10 (~3h00 duration) Introduction to Google Earth Engine with R language. 04/11 (~3h00 duration) Deep Learning for Remote Sensing images with R language. Speaker: Dr. Ricardo Dalagnol (INPE) | 09:00 |
11 | 09/11 | Webinar Title: (~1h30 duration) Geospatial analysis to mitigate the Human-Elephant conflict in Southern Africa (held in English) Speaker: Dr. Marguerite Madden (University of Georgia, USA – 15h00 [GMT-4]) | 14:00 | |
12 | 11/11 | Webinar Title: (~2h00 duration) Mathematical morphology in processing and analysis of the Digital Elevation Models (held in English) Speaker: Dr. B. S. Daya Sagar (Indian Statistical Institute-Bangalore Centre, India – 17h30 [GMT+5h30]) | 09:00 | |
13 | 18/11 | Hands-on Tutorial: (~2h00 duration) Global Vegetation Trend: A Multi-decade, planetary coverage and analysis ready product (held in English) Speaker: Dr. Leandro Parente (OpenGeoHub Foundation, Netherlands – 14h00 [GMT+2]) | 09:00 | |
14 | 23/11 | Webinar Title: (~1h30 duration) SAR, SAR polarimetry & Multitemporal SAR Statistical Description (held in English) Speaker: Dr. Carlos López-Martínez (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain – 14h00 [GMT+2]) | 10:00 | |
15 | 15/12 | (BONUS EVENT) Webinar Title: (~1h30 duration) Integração de dados de VANT e PlanetScope para a geração de zonas de manejo em áreas agrícolas (held in Portuguese) Speaker: Dr. Fábio Marcelo Breunig (Federal University of Santa Maria – UFSM), Brazil | 18:30 | |
16 | 16/12 | Closing Ceremony (Firewall) (off-line video will be posted soon) | | |